Dignified Menstruation in Global Discourse and amidst COVID-19, Pandemic

There is no doubt that menstrual crisis is not crisis as like life and death but it crucial for life. Historically, menstruation is sidelined and heavily overlooked in the history of development and human right globally. The concept of impurity, poisons or dirty from the days of Aristotle, Hippocrates is still valid in many parts of the world at the name of culture, religion, taboo. As a result many girls, women and menstruators subjected to the variety of  abuses, discrimination, violations throughout of the lives of girls, women or any menstrurators. The urgency of dignified menstruation is more than even before due to amidst COVID-19, Pandemic.

 For details, please click the following link. This presentations is presented in April 21, 2020 with the AAI-Salzburg, Austria.

Dignified Menstruation in Global Human right Discourse and amidst COVID-19

#DignifiedMenstruation, #MenstrualTalkDigniftyFirst, #COVID19, #RadhaPaudelFoundation